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"As some of you would know and have added into the Little Black Book of Zul, this is just an online version of it...so feel free to bring up any subject of your interest...express your thoughts and get feedbacks...cheers!"

Unsent to You Tuesday, May 15, 2007 |

I have risked everything, almost everything, just to guard what we've called love.

From memory,

We drew our territory,
our love nest,
on each other's chest.

Around our hearts, we built fences,
without you,
were never complete.

But you had to slip away.
I could no longer be in your insecure arms, crushing my heart further.
I could no longer stay,
or fantasize my day away like there's no other,

You never had faith in us.

And here you're within reach, it's a matter of few words and a click, or probably just a wink,
and we would walk hand in hand, like before, singing, whistling, and reminiscing. I'd pretend to whisper in your ear only to kiss you. My hand is in a tight grip never to let go. I loved you, I loved you and I'd kill for you but I never understood your ways of hurting me was your shield and sword.

It's fair if I don't think or even accept,
or invite you back into my heart that's been well-kept.
I have loved you in the past and everything shall stay in the past,
kept deep in the chest.



Life is not Random Saturday, May 12, 2007 |

If you love someone
It may be a risk to let that someone know
Because you risk loosing them instead of what you hoped for otherwise
And when you don’t you torture yourself;
And you might regret;
For not ever telling at all;
When it is too late
When that person is gone
Or when you are.
Sometimes we fear for that awkwardness
Sometimes we create it
Sometimes we fear being known or being understood
Or that things will change
And you are now seen in a different light
Tell me what is different?
I guess there is…
To see now what you never saw before, but what was always there.
But when you don’t tell
You can’t expect them to know
Just by pointing out to the obvious signs;
You can’t always assume
People don’t always take it how you think they would
It’s foolish but it’s true
If you want to, then say it…say it!
If you don’t…then don’t look back and regret
It’s unfair but you cannot expect
You can hope…but you cannot force…
This thing called Love….
And hey, a risk?

What is a risk?

To succeed or to fail
To find the same connection or rejection
To be happy or to be disappointed
To gain or to loose
Isn’t this life…
Sometimes it does harm to try
Despite the saying ‘there’s no harm in trying’
But that’s all down to you
It’s like listening
True listening is with-holding your judgments to the things that you might not agree on;
But not meaning that you accept them;
You’re listening to another point of view;
And you respect that;
Coming from another individual;
Who like you, has had their fair share of experiences in life
Then again, it comes down to how we perceive these experiences.

The point is,
Because you want it, you’re prepared to loose it
Whatever comes, comes
Whatever may be, let it be
At least you don’t look back to say you never gave it a shot
You did
It didn’t work out
What the hey,
You won’t die knowing you didn’t even take the chance
What is gladness without disappointments?
What is sunshine without rain?
Or what is rain without sunshine?
It’s hard to put it all down in one piece
Because everything is connected
And there is always more
There are always reasons
Understood or not,
Accepted or not,
Known at all or not
Sometimes, the timing was bad,
The situation does not permit
But even so, things don’t always happen in perfect conditions
You can’t always wait for the right time
Sometimes, you got to make it.

You’re an individual
With a life going on
And you know better the canvas of your life
And hey, that person there, he has a life too
Though he doesn’t seem like much
He’s an individual too.
And hey, that other guy over there, he seems to have it all together
But you have no idea what he's been through or what he's going through.
And I cannot begin to describe what one soul goes through from birth to the moment now.
You just never know.
But know that the word 'possibility' goes a long way
So though judgments may be passed
I still believe in chances.

All that you are today
Is because of all that you have gone through in your life

It’s all down to y o u


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Its May... Tuesday, May 1, 2007 |

Music: 112 - Cupid

Its May people...
Happy Labour Day (if such term exists)

Whats wrong with this blog??? why are you people not posting crap on this page???
The utter random jots in my black book you guys like to terrorize, but this??? you leave it empty haha...

oh well...seeing as no one wants to write in it...then i will!

- T H E Q U O T E -

here's an interesting tag/quote i found...would quote the source, but am thinking twice of doing so...either way...respect to the source...i read it once. and got hooked on it...so, will quote to people sooner or later...

in some way, its quite true...but then again, it contradicts itself...hmmm...

"Dont Find Love...Let Love Find You...Thats Why Its Called Falling In Love...Because You Dont Force Yourself to Fall In Love...You Just Fall"

Corny as it sounds, its meaningful...
Some people spend their time looking for love, when its just right there....when you least expect it, it smacks you right in your face...

- S N O W C O C O N U T S -

damn the snow coconuts...incase some of you are wondering, snow coconuts can be found in Carrefour...the shelling of the fruit is chopped off, and the content of the coconut is intact...shaped like a snowball, it is priced at RM3.50 i think...

anywayz, i think the coconut has some laxative effect...so to the masses, think twice of consuming it...

- E X T R A C H E W I N G G U M : E x y l i t o l -

chewing gum...
melon flavor...
and another confectionary with laxative effective...

was reading the ingredient of the chewing gum...towards the end, it states there


what the hell is going on??? hahahahaha

Well....thats it for now...

Till the next post....

See What Tomorrow Brings...

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A Special Shoutout Thursday, April 26, 2007 |

a special shoutout to aima for fixing up the page...
girl...u deserve all the credit...
thank you for making the page as attractive...
you can do the same for my blog as well hehehe

Eureka! Wednesday, April 25, 2007 |

Yay! The template works this time! omg...i swear i was up all nite trying to fix that 'Pull' lever (?) cause it ain't pulling nothin' down damnit! hahahHAHAHHAHAHA............well now it is so i'm happy =) roarRR.
Aimzy is one happy camper

Welcome All Saturday, April 21, 2007 |

Welcome all to the online version of Zul's Black Book
I know some of you enjoy putting in randomness into the black book
I also know some of you like doodle in the book (some that show creativity, while others just disturbing images of penis on sword and what not)

I created this coz i know some of you cant get your hand on the black book

Others are just plain shy in jotting down random thoughts or what not

Dont fret, as this blog will enable all to put down utter randomness
Drop a line
Share your thoughts

If anybody is interested, give me ur email
And will u add u onto the Authors List

Till Then...See What Tomorrow Brings

Fill me with meaningful content

"Feel free to express your thoughts. Do not feel confined by one norm of where you are placed at this very moment. You and I can learn something from each other..."